Sunday, June 18, 2017

Frederick, MD

Frederick is a small town of about 65,000 in the Cotoctin mountains with history dating back to before the American Revolution.  Carroll Creek runs through the city and was a flooding problem until the late 1970s when city began a flood control project.  Today there is a 40-ft channel waterway with brick sidewalks, water features, landscaping and fountains.  You can walk along the creek to the historic downtown shopping district where you will find many stores, art galleries, and restaurants.  We spent 2 hours following the walking tour guide so we could see other areas of Frederick besides the shopping district.  Here are some Frederick memories.

Lovely architecture--

The Carillon in Baker Park is the largest musical instrument in Maryland and one of only about 140 of its kind in the US.  It weighs about 6,000 lbs and cost nearly $350,000 to renovate about six years ago.  It has 49 bells atop a 70-ft granite tower.  John Widmann has been the carillonneur since 1992 and plays a 30-min recital every Sunday at noon.

Lobby of the old movie theater--


The downtown shopping district--

Carroll Creek waterway--

After a morning of walking, it was time for lunch at Pistarro's.


Before leaving Frederick we stopped by McCutcheon's which is near the new waterway.  They have been selling apple products (jams, jellies, butters, applesauce) since 1938.  They sell other fruit products now along with salsas and baking kits.

We look forward to visiting Frederick again in November on our way back down south.

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